Thursday, November 24, 2011

My wife says I should write a review on "Super 8"....Here it goes!

Super 8 Movie Review: This is a period movie set in 1979. SUPER 8 focuses in on 15-year-old Joe Lamb. Joe’s mother has just died and he doesn’t get along with his dad, a sheriff who's name is Jackson. Jackson is forced to take the lead in investigating the strange happenings in his home town. Jackson doesn’t care for Joe’s friends. Jackson has taken a sharpened dislike to Joe's best friend Charles, who’s roped Joe, a girl named Alice and two other friends into shooting a zombie movie for a film contest. While shooting their film complete with script re-writes, Joe and his friends witness an amazing and scary train wreck. Shortly after the train-wreck, unusual disappearances and strange events start taking place. Dogs go missing and are found far away from their homes; people go missing and are not found; strange objects that look like a plain rubix cube are flying through the air and the Air Force takes over the train wreck site. The Air Force eventually shows that they mean business in covering up whatever secrets they may have had in that train. Eventually, Joe’s father must take drastic action to save the town, and Joe valiantly searches and puts his life at risk to rescue Alice from what could be a horrible ending. SUPER 8 does pan out to be an excellent alien monster movie. Most of the movie is very well written by Abrams and Speilberg brings just enough of his old magic to be very effective and spectacular. At times there seems to be too much going on and at a few points I would have to stop and try to explain how the evolving plot was leading. This movie was very enjoyable to watch but I just couldn't understand the need to have these kids use such a dictionary of bad language. Most of us knew that kid in school who used such language but it usually was just one kid - not all of them. SUPER 8 will excite a good many people and one day may be viewed in partially the same light that ET was held in. I do feel that these two amazingly talented story tellers; Abrams and Speilberg, told a one of a kind movie that most of us will purchase on ITunes and place it in our digital cloud library. Jason Jones

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